Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Feet

So, why call this column “Happy Feet?” As you probably know, I spent last weekend in Washington, D.C. at the CPAC convocation listening to a variety of conservatives lambast the Obama administration and wailing about the condition of our nation on a number of fronts. “Happy Feet” because except for very few exceptions the presenters leapt onto the floor of national policy and proceeded to dance around every conceivable issue. They were adept. They were graceful. They were opportunistic cowards. As an example, to my knowledge, not one speaker suggested that the federal budget be reduced by $1.5 trillion…the amount of the current year’s deficit. Even if the “expert” decided that to employ such a radical cut would be disastrous for the nation, they might have approached the problem with clarity and candor. That did not happen. The massive deficit was mentioned many times, and proscriptions such as “we must cut spending” fell off their lips like silky saliva. But never, never (within the range of my hearing) was a concrete remedy put forward. They danced and danced, the orchestra played and the iceberg destroyed the ship.
Liberals or Progressives love to tax and spend. Their justification is based on the “share the wealth” model…sort of like water seeking its own level. To advance their agenda they promise many benefits to a multitude of special interests and demographic groups. When they have the power, they usually deliver, and their voter base(s) become even more devoted to them. They perform just like we expect. No surprises…when the statists grab power, the taxpaying citizens should grab their ankles and guard their wallets and property. Meanwhile, the conservatives “tsk, tsk” as the wealth of the nation becomes absorbed by the state and personal liberties are violated with impunity. The GOP and their mouthpieces rail against the “tax and spend” Democrats, but overlook their own proclivities for excessive spending. Is there no major unconstitutional function of government that they can cut? Perhaps they are afraid of a special interest or group who would squall in pain if their favored programs were eliminated. Give us something, please, Republicans. Something concrete, something identifiable…give us something that indicates you are serious about cutting government spending and reducing the size of an overly large big government.
When in power, the democrats irresponsibly spend and tax with reckless abandon. The Nanny State grows, and our freedoms are dissolved. When they control the reins of government, the republicans cut taxes, increase subsidies, endorse new programs and pass legislative measures that undermine personal liberty. They dance and dance and dance…blissfully unaware that the music has stopped. Their happy feet tap out the same non-answers to the wondering questions from their constituents. “Yes, spending is too high, and we must cut it.” That’s great, Congressperson, how are you going to cut ONE POINT FIVE TRILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR? For many of us the “where you cut” isn’t nearly as important as the “will you cut?” We don’t believe you…well, I don’t believe you. I do believe that you think the spending should be dramatically reduced, but I do not believe that you have a clue as to how to do it, or if you do have a clue, you lack the courage…the guts…the will to do what must be done.
There is no more time for kicking the can down the road of irresponsibility. Elected officials must step up and make the hard choices to right our ship of state. Every facet of government involvement must be measured against its Constitutional necessity and its drain on the national treasury. Every policy, foreign and domestic, must be reviewed and either eliminated, slashed or tweaked to reconcile its value and need with the overall federal, state or local condition. There can be no sacred cows unless they are mandated by the Constitution…and if so required, they should be thoroughly vetted to assure the citizens that they are getting their money’s worth. Defense spending is an example of the over-bloated constitutional requirement. Is it absolutely necessary that the United States maintain military bases in 140 countries? Remember, Politicians, you volunteered for your job. We did not draft you. Now do it.
We implore you, we beg you…we demand that you discard your ballet slippers or tap shoes, stop dancing, and do the right thing for your country…your state or district…your community and your progeny. Nero fiddled while Rome was burning, but we refuse to allow you to dance away from reality. Face the music and join the band. The dance must end.

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