Friday, March 11, 2011

The Real Deficit

The national deficit is a big deal…a really big deal. Our nation has spent $14 Trillion more than receipts. That huge figure, however, does not include the state and local government indebtedness with is usually in the form of municipal bonds. The bottom line is that our governments are in the hole and continue to dig. Over the decades that they have been irresponsibly spending, our lives have not improved because of government action or intervention. They have used borrowed funds to implement programs that are costly and ineffective as well as generally unconstitutional. They have spewed out promises and commitments that will be impossible to fulfill. They have radically distorted the nature of the United States by taking assets from many to give to others in a wanton effort to buy their votes. They have violated the public trust by being untrustworthy.

Despite the fact that our financial debts and deficits are so massive, they do NOT represent the greatest deficits for our nation. We have a huge deficit of character and leadership. The people whom we have selected or elected to guide our nation through good times and bad have been miserable failures. Their lack of character has prompted them to take the easy paths when confronting difficult issues and problems. Their absent character has led them to mislead the people time after time when they know that what they were saying was false. Their lack of character has caused them to create problems where none exist, and then, to offer unrealistic solutions for those mythical difficulties. Lacking character, they return to us every two, four or six years and ask to return to their respective offices so that they can continue to hoodwink us while they plunder our wealth and the national treasury.

The leadership deficit is nearly as damaging as the one for character. I say “nearly” because if we had people of character in positions of responsibility, our need for inspired leadership would not be so great. Given that character is in such short supply, our need for sound, honest leadership is an absolute necessity. Leaders are willing to face the arrows when difficulties arise. Leaders give the people honest appraisals when the situation is dim. Leaders truthfully identify the problems and offer reasonable realistic remedies. Leaders do not ask the people to sacrifice more to cover the politicians’ mistakes. Leaders do not propose solutions that undermine the liberty of those they lead.

Lest we become too partisan in this discussion, please think of this. When someone proposes spending a billion dollars of money we do not have, remember that the person who suggests spending only half of a billion shows no character or leadership…just cowardice and sleaziness. The politician is sleazy because she or he wants you to congratulate them for holding down deficit spending. Both types lack character and leadership. Both types are dishonest. Both should be denounced and defeated. Our country, our states, our communities and our schools have reached the point where we can no longer afford half measures. Either those who consider themselves leaders…act like leaders…with honesty, integrity and character, or get out of the way because we’ll run you over as we take back our country.

People of character must step forward. Citizens of character must vote for them, work for them and pray for them. Good looks and intelligence are not enough anymore. Cunning politicians who know how to win locally then move on to state and national office are not the formula for redeeming our nation and its honor. We need candidates who tell the truth, and who are not afraid to face the music. We need candidates who cherish the Constitution and personal liberty. We must end the character and leadership deficits that we have today. We must not linger. We must do it now.

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