Friday, May 13, 2011

Cleaning Supplies

When the time arrives for Spring Cleaning, an ample collection of the proper supplies is essential for completing the task. If we begin with the floors, we’ll need carpet cleaner and floor wax. Our political parallel is the candidates. In order for our clean sweep to be successful we must have capable, principled and informed candidates. While some of the conspiracy theories floating around the internet may have validity, they will not resonate with the electorate at large and may reduce our candidate’s status to a punch line for a political joke. For example, Dr. Ron Paul has solid reasoning and constitutional foundation for his positions yet the media and political class demean and marginalize him at every opportunity. Our candidates will lack Dr. Paul’s experience and savvy so they cannot afford the luxury of appearing “too far out there.”

Principles of constitutional government, individual liberty and property rights should be the cornerstone of every candidate’s campaign. Examples of egregious violations of each principle should be researched and saved into the mental arsenal for use in debates, speeches and general conversation. It should be noted that a candidate who runs on “cutting spending” cannot be fully trusted. Consider that we have a theoretical budget of $1000 of which we borrow $430. Cutting spending could mean that we spend $999 and borrow $429. The candidate must be committed to constitutional principles that are defined by the enumerated powers.

The walls and windows represent the structure between the floor and the roof. The volunteers who work with the candidates to achieve victory are the links between the candidate and good governing. Every solid congressional candidate should have a minimum of 125 dedicated workers to provide the manpower for a legitimate door-to-door campaign. Personal contact remains the best method for winning voters, and volunteers who represent the candidate are a powerful surrogate. The potential congressperson will need another group of volunteers for “bird-dogging’ appearance opportunities, scheduling, driving the candidate, answering phones and making calls, and all the various and sundry tasks that a well-oiled campaign requires. People, people, people are needed. If the Tea parties, Liberty groups, Patriot organizations and 912 projects cannot or will not supply the necessary personnel to conduct a credible campaign, then we may as well spit into the wind. We’ll continue to get the spineless big spenders we obviously deserve.

Each legislative campaign will require twenty five or more dedicated volunteers to handle the same type of activities that we anticipate for the congressional races. State Senate campaigns would require roughly 60-75 patriots working. It’s rather easy to note that a massive number of absolutely committed people will be needed to totally transform the political culture in D.C. and the state capitol. I am not convinced that most Tea Party-type organizations have the numbers, stomach or the will to do what has to be done. If they do not, convincing future candidates to engage in futile campaigns will become increasingly difficult. The moment is now. If the walls are unstable or dirty, the building cannot be cleaned.

The capstone or roof of our building and cleaning supplies is money. There are three basic components of any campaign: money, manpower and material…the three M’s. Obviously it takes money to purchase the material, and the material is vital for the volunteers (manpower) to disburse as they go door-to-door. Despite an all out face-to-face effort by the volunteers, the candidate’s message will have to be repeated and reinforced through mass media. Most of the media outlets will be hostile toward a constitutional candidate so paid media will be needed. So, mucho dinero will be necessary to assure that the effort receives the maximum exposure. Volunteers should initiate fundraising events for candidates because, please remember, most new candidates will NOT be independently wealthy or be experienced political fundraisers. In fact, most new principled candidates will be extremely hesitant to ask for support…financial or physical. The supporters have to take the initiative. If we allow politics to be practiced as it usually is, we’ll get the politics as usual.

People committed to constitutional government and personal freedom must move out of their comfort zones. Your commitment to liberty MUST exceed your reluctance and fear. Going to meetings, attending rallies and engaging in never-ending email threads will not save our republic. Hard-core feet-on-the-ground, knuckles on doors and dollars in the kitty may work. True belief and conviction migrates from the heart and mind to the whole body’s involvement. Hope is invaluable, but it is not enough in the political universe. Work…lots of it…is required. Just do it.

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