For several years I was an umpire for baseball and softball games. We had two clearly defined baselines and two more subjectively defined base paths. To compound the issue, the foul line is in reality a fair line. So, let’s discuss government and clarity of language regarding the term “baseline.” A baseline as defined by the federal government is not as firm or as permanent as a 3” line of white chalk that runs from home plate to first base or from third base to home plate. The government’s baseline is repositioned every year, and, on occasion, is moved more than once per year.
Our inspired leaders of the federal government have apparently determined that the budgeting process is too difficult and acrimonious. To expedite the process they have implemented the baseline budgeting system wherein each item in the budget automatically qualifies for a nearly 8% increase from the previous year. Through the magic of compounding, a simple annual increase of 8% will result in a given line item appropriation nearly doubling after 10 years. This increase continues without regard for the efficacy or necessity of the program. Baseline budgeting is the fiscal version of the “In-laws from Hell” who come to your peaceful home to visit but refuse to leave. In baseline budgeting terms the words “merit and value” are alien concepts. Since the “Control Act of 1974” our elected public officials have allowed this fiscally irresponsible and politically unaccountable method of budgeting drive our nation toward the cliff of financial and economic disaster.
Clearly thirty-seven years of a failed mechanism that is unresponsive to economic conditions or to actual requirements for government sustainability is long enough. The GOP House majority should make baseline budgeting a sensible target for elimination…..not tweaking, eliminating. If an agency, program or department cannot justify and detail budget items on an annual basis, they do not warrant any funding….let alone an automatic 8% increase. If the Members of Congress believe that requiring justification for every agency or program would be too time consuming for the budgeting process, then obviously the government and the budget are too large. No one, I repeat, no one….no Corporation, no household has the benefit of an “automatic pilot” annual increase in funding. To the contrary most of our citizens and companies must struggle year after year in an unfriendly taxation environment and coping with an overburdening regulatory situation. Government should not ever enjoy an imperial status that far exceeds the circumstances of the people.
The baseline budgeting system immunizes government and government beneficiaries from all of the many intervening disruptions those of us in the private sector regularly encounter. It creates an artificial justification for additional and usually excessive government spending. An historical and efficiency analysis of many government programs or agencies would discover that their effectiveness and usefulness are of minimal value. Yet…the money train continues running as their budgets escalate with no consideration of the programs’ value or need. That’s no way to run a railroad, but our elected officials are too lazy and uninspired to thoughtfully examine each line item and appropriation, so they set them on automatic pilot. Most of us are either personally or anecdotally familiar with the public agency that scrambles to spend its excess at the end of a budget cycle in order to qualify for the increased funding of the next budget. Those types of fiscal and mental gymnastics are a direct result of the baseline budgeting madness. Thus, the two primary motivations for implementing such a stupid and irresponsible system are: cowardly politicians and big-government advocates…..neither of which serve the best interests of the nation, our fiscal security or individual freedom. In essence, the baseline budgeting system guarantees that the cost and size of government will routinely grow without any justification….feeble or valid.
There are thirteen congressional committees that deal with various appropriations throughout the federal government. The chairs of those august committees are euphemistically described as the “Cardinals” because of their power to impact our lives through the appropriations process. It seems however, that they are opposed to reducing expenditures and budgets because their power may be diminished. Baseline budgeting has given the “Cardinals” the cover to allow for automatic increases in spending and power, and it also offers the flexibility to insert individual expenditures to bolster the reelection chances for members (baseline plus pork). The additional targeted expenditures merge into the baseline to ratchet the base upward for the next budgetary cycle. The pork spending is added to the automatic increases to form a new “minimum” for the following budget. But that’s not all…..
President Obama’s politically-laden stimulus spending was dispersed through various departments and agencies. In every case the additional funding through borrowed stimulus funds increased the baseline for the affected department, agency or program. In effect, our excessive indebted spending has been radically increased with no inherent mechanism for reducing it. Fiscally, this is a tragic and deadly consequence of Washington’s spending addiction, but even more troubling is the failure of the GOP House to address this travesty. They promised to repeal ObamaCare, and they have not. They haven’t even attempted to defund it. All of the facets of the Healthcare monstrosity are integrated into the baseline budgeting system. Also, we have not heard anyone from Congressional leadership suggest that the budget-busting 1974 Act should be repealed. Why not? Are they contented with this system and the growing power over our lives that it promotes?
Bottom line: If the GOP House leadership were absolutely serious about reining in our spending explosion, they would seek to repeal The Control Act of 1974 and defund Obamacare and other budget-busting programs, agencies and departments. The power of the purse should be used to change the direction of our country….not on a glide path, but with a “180” directional shift. Government bureaucracies should be put on notice that the gravy train has been sidetracked, and the Constitution of the United States is the new sheriff in town. Duty calls, Congress, please stop ducking your responsibility.
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